And that’s saying something! Did you also know that the tobacco and sugar industry work together to make cigarettes more addicting and deadly? They actually put sugar into the tobacco, especially the cheap, generic tobacco in order to make it taste better. Here is a quote from an article I found on Reuters.
Noel Brewer, who has researched cigarette pack messages about toxic chemicals, as well as public understanding of cigarette smoke ingredients, is, like Seidenberg, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but he isn't a coauthor of the current study. "Added sugar in cigarettes creates a trifecta of death," Brewer told Reuters Health by email. "It makes cigarettes more appealing, more addictive and more lethal. Smokers should be able to know what they are smoking and they don't."
I quit smoking in Feb. of 2018 and now I know why it was so hard to quit, the sugar adds to the addiction and to the toxicity of the cigarettes. It was the single hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life but I’m so glad I did it.
Sugar is more addicting than cocaine or heroin and even more destructive to the body over the long term. My wife is a sugar addict and as I’m helping her to get off of that garbage I’m realizing how powerful of an addiction it truly is, and I’m so glad my wife is getting rid of it.
Do everything you can to get rid of sugars in your home (with the exceptions of raw honey and real maple syrup) and watch your health improve. Sugar is the culprit in a myriad of health problems including cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, strokes), chronic inflammation and so much more! Kick sugar out and watch your health kick in!
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